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I’m so excited to share this post with you all. This fall, I will begin a new sewing series sharing patterns that I am using to make my own wardrobe this year. Getting back into the groove of sewing for myself has brought so much happiness and creativity back into my life. And, I am sure as I share my sewing projects with you, you will be excited to learn and join along as well.

In this post, I will be reviewing the Simplicity 8134 pattern. Sewing these wide leg pants was a way for me to hold on to summer memories and look forward to a new season. There is something so satisfying about watching your pattern pieces evolve into something you wear and style- this is why sewing is the best!

As I planned out my wardrobe staples for this fall, I knew I needed a wide leg pant. I feel like this silhouette can be worn with so many other complementary pieces. They transition through seasons really well. The versatility is endless and that's what we are aiming for- wear our clothes over and over again. Wide leg pants can be worn with a sleeveless tank layered with a blazer for the last few days over summer or a chic blouse. A chunky sweater would be perfect for brisk evenings out.

I purchased the pattern as well as the fabric from Joanns Fabric. The pattern called for a crepe, garbadine, ponte knit, or jersey. I used a printed silk polyester blend. I wanted the pants to be a bit elevated. Therefore, a silky fabric was a better choice for the look I wanted to achieve. My mind was set on a print. I already have a solid color wide leg pant so I wanted to add something different.

I’m glad I chose this black and white print because it worked so well with blouses I already have in my wardrobe. I think it is important to note that by choosing solid color fabric and prints when sewing and building your wardrobe, you can really stretch your wear out with solids.

I chose pattern view E. It was the wider view of all. The pattern was very straightforward in regard to the instruction. I think there were maybe at most 6-7 steps. I have already filed this pattern in my archives and purchased another fabric to make pants again. The next time I sew it, I will see how a think ponte kit works. I am 100% sure I will make this again in the same view. I absolutely loved it.

Happy Sewing!!

Let me know if you make these pants and if you will be sewing your own wardrobe this fall season.



Simplicity 8134

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